Pet skin care

Time to read: 4 mins

Your pet can develop itchy skin for many different reasons and itchy skin is one of the most common reasons people visit their vet. There are many different causes of itchy skin and, for this reason, finding out the cause is sometimes the only way to treat the symptoms.  This can be a long-drawn-out process that is frustrating for the owner and for the pet.

Symptoms of itchy skin

  • Scratching
  • Licking
  • Biting
  • Flaky skin/dandruff
  • Unsettled or uncomfortable
  • Biting and nibbling at feet
  • Fur loss
  • Red skin
  • Damaged skin


Pet skin care

Common causes of itchy skin

  • Parasites such as fleas, ticks, lice, mites, burrowing worms
  • Bites or stings from insects
  • Bacterial infection
  • Yeast infection
  • Moist dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Allergy

Most of the above causes would require diagnosis and treatment from a vet to make the pet feel more comfortable but if you are in any doubt then call one of our UK Registered Vet Nurses on the 24/7 Careline where they can asses your animal over the phone and potentially help you avoid an expensive vet bill.

Parasites can be prevented by using a veterinary recommended product.  These are available in many different preparations now, including a liquid you “spot on” the back of the pet’s neck, a medicine infused collar, liquid or powder that can be hidden in food or even a tasty chewable tablet.  All of these can help prevent unwanted visitors!

Stings can cause short term pain, but it doesn’t usually last long.  For wasp stings dap some vinegar on the area to neutralise the pain then a cold compress for the swelling. For bees, you need to remove the sting by scraping it using a flat edge such as a credit card and then dab some bicarbonate of soda on the area followed by the cold compress.  Some animals can be allergic to bee and wasp stings so the first hour after a sting is the most important as far as monitoring is concerned. If your pets face, neck or throat seems swollen or you notice any difference in their breathing then get in contact with your vet straight away.

A well balanced, good quality diet will also help your pet have healthy skin.  Make sure you keep them on a diet appropriate for their age and stick to pet treats rather than human food. Regular grooming will also help and can ensure you notice any changes in the skin quickly.

Scratch & Patch customers can call our dedicated careline on 0333 332 1926 or contact our webchat here.

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