Tips for home life with your pet

Time to read: 4 mins

With the Nation still under Coronavirus restrictions we find social distancing and working from home now a necessary part of our lives. Our Registered Vet Nurses have some tips on how best to look after our pets in these unprecedented times.

As the economy tries to continue, the need to adapt and work from home is a must for much of the world. Many benefits of this have been seen both for the owner and pet, company and interaction can help reduce stress and anxieties.

Keep a routine

Like owners, our pets are used to their ‘normal’ routine so try to keep mealtimes and the main walks for dogs the same as usual. Keep in mind that cats are opportunistic feeders so don’t be fooled by the starving looks they will be giving you at least 14 times a day!

Mental and physical exercise

With the restrictions in place during lockdown, try introducing some activities and exercise to your pet’s routine. Mental stimulation may entertain your pet helping to keep them occupied and break up the day. Try a food hiding game using a cardboard box or maybe a Kong could replace a normal treat to make it last longer. Consider introducing a new trick or game of hide the toy to encourage interaction and exercise. Hide treats around the house or in the garden to help stimulate your pet. Podcasts for pets can help relax and calm then and there are now TV channels dedicated to cats and dogs, this may help during busy working days.

Working within the guidelines

When you are out on that walk make sure you practice social distancing and politely request that people do not stop to stroke your dog. Cats can go out and about as usual. If you are self-isolating or showing any symptoms, then you should only walk your dog in your garden or very close to your house and perhaps consider if there is someone you could ask to help. It is sensible to ensure you have enough food to last for two weeks at a time but please don’t stockpile.

Support for you and your pet

If your pet becomes unwell at home over the next few months, Vet clinics will only be dealing with real emergencies and therefore may not be able to see your pet, but we can offer professional advice 24 hours a day, so please call the Careline on 0333 332 1926.

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