Keeping pets safe at Christmas

Time to read: 4 mins

It’s that special time of year that we all love and there is nothing more exciting than all the fun of Christmas for your pets.

Delicious smells, inviting decorations, sparkly trees and lots and lots of food, are treats for us but can be irresistible to our pets too.

So here’s what to watch for and be mindful of, for them, throughout the festive season

Dalmatian handbag

Fake snow – Fake snow can contain alcohol or substances like antifreeze which if eaten especially by cats can be extremely toxic to them. Be aware of this covering decorations, Christmas trees as well as being in a can or spray.

Tinsel – Tinsel can be a lot of fun for your dog or cat to play with but if ingested it can cause many problems including intestinal blockages.

Wrapping paper, string and tape – These can be fun to play with and there’s always a lot around at Christmas but if swallowed in large amounts they can cause obstructions in the stomach. Ensure it’s out of the way and can’t be pulled out of the bin or bags.

Cat plays with christmas lights

Candles – Candle flames can burn curious paws and noses and could be knocked over if unsupervised, also the scented wax can be enticing to pets and they lick at it, it can burn tongues and be toxic in large amounts.

Raisins and grapes including mince pies, Christmas pudding and things that contain them – All grapes, currents, raisins and sultanas are toxic to cats and dogs, they can cause issues including serious kidney failure and its unknown how many could be harmful to different individuals so it’s best to ensure they don’t have any at all.

Chocolate – Chocolate contains a stimulant called as theobromine similar to caffeine but is highly toxic to cats and dogs, various things can affect the toxicity level including type of chocolate and weight of your pet so if you’re concerned please contact the Scratch and Patch Pet helpline.

Blue cheese – this contains roquefortine C which dogs are extremely sensitive to and will give them a very upset tummy.

Festive plants including poinsettia, mistletoe, holly, ivy and tree pine needles – these are mildly toxic to cats and dogs and if ingested can cause upset tummies, pine needles from the tree can be sharp and could cause damage if swallowed too.

If you are worried or have any questions, then please contact the Scratch and Patch Careline 0333 332 1926

Your vet should provide emergency cover over the Christmas period by telephoning their normal contact number.

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