How to switch pet insurance

Switch your cover from another provider and we’ll cover you without the typical 14 day waiting period for illnesses.

Switch cover without the wait

Switching pet insurers is a big decision, you’ll want to make sure that you’re getting the cover you need at the most competitive price, so shopping around is a good idea.

Whilst it’s common that as soon as you join a new provider your pet will be covered straight away for any accidents they may have, the same doesn’t always apply to illnesses.

Most pet insurers will impose a 14 day waiting period on new illnesses, but not with us. If you’ve been covered elsewhere then with us you’ll be able to continue that cover without a break.

Why switch to us?

Alongside the immediate cover you’ll get by joining us, there are a number of other benefits of being a member.

  • You’ll be joining a community of over 20,000 pet owners
  • Our customers love our cover, our Trustpilot reviews speak for themselves.
  • Quick and efficient claims with over 94% of all claims paid last year.

Furthermore, our plans come with a whole host of features.

Multi-pet discount

If you’re insuring 2 or more pets then you’ll receive a 10% discount off your total insurance premium. The offer applies to our Bronze, Silver, Gold, Premier and Premier Plus cover and will be deducted when calculating your quote.

24/7 Vet Advice Careline

The Scratch & Patch Careline which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, is included for all cover levels. Our friendly UK based team are available whether you’re looking for pet care advice or looking for assistance with a quote or a claim.

Need to claim?

If the unfortunate situation arrives where you need to make a claim on your policy, we can assist by paying your claim fast and efficiently and often payments can be made directly to your vet – so long as you and they agree.

Why is there a 14 day waiting period at all?

The 14-day waiting period imposed by some providers helps to guard against pet owners buying insurance knowing that their pet is ill and needing treatment. They can make a claim and get a payout without having to pay the bulk of their insurance premium.

The waiting period is there to protect members from this activity, as the claims paid out by an insurer will impact renewal rates for all customers.

In our case, we do impose a 14-day waiting period for illness claims for customers who are new to pet insurance or those who have had a break between their previous insurance and a new plan, but if you are switching to us without a break then you can be covered for accidents and illnesses immediately.

Common FAQs when switching

What should I consider before I switch?

While all of us want cheaper insurance costs, it’s not always about price. Compare the details of the cover, what are the cover limits for vet fees and the inner limits for specific treatments. You should also consider whether your pet has any ongoing conditions or treatments that would need to be continued with your new insurer. When switching to us, any existing conditions will be excluded from cover.

Do you offer cover for pre-existing conditions?

We are no longer offering our pre-existing conditions cover for new customers. You can still switch to us, but any pre-existing conditions will be excluded from cover.

Do I need to provide any evidence of previous claims or my pet’s health?

No. Unlike car insurance it’s not a case of proving no claims certificates. As you go through a quote with us you’ll be asked a series of questions about your pet’s health, and you’ll be asked to make declarations about the information you’ve told us.

This is what we will reference back to should you need to make a claim. It’s very important that you fill this information out accurately and honestly as you could find that any wrongful statements could invalidate a claim.

I switched to you when you covered pre-existing conditions, am I still covered for them?

Yes, we have stopped offering pre-existing conditions cover for new customers only. As an existing customer you will still be covered for conditions stated in your policy documents. You will also be able to continue to renew your policy with the same conditions covered should you wish.

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