Across 2021 we paid 93% of all claims submitted to us. We can even deal directly with your vet, leaving you to concentrate fully on your 4-legged friend.
Making a claim

How to make a pet insurance claim
In the event that you need to claim the most important part is the well-being of your pet, that’s why we try to make claiming as straightforward as possible for all our members.
Before you make a claim
In order to begin your claim you’ll need to have the following information:
- Your policy number
- Your pet’s previous veterinary practice/s (if applicable)
- Your previous address (if applicable)
Submit your claim
The quickest and easiest way to submit your claim to us is by using our online claims system.
Avoiding delays when claiming
Your claim should be notified to us within 60 days of any incident. We will not pay any claims for vet bills that are 12 months old or older when they are sent to us.
To allow us to quickly assess your claim please ensure that your submission is signed by you and the treating vet. The form should also be stamped by the veterinary practice along with the required medical history and supporting documentation.
When submitting your claim online, once you’ve submitted the initial detail you will receive a confirmation email where we’ll ask you to supply the additional documents.
Claims that do not have the required information or signatures will result in them being returned to you or the vet and can cause you significant delays.
Submitting your claim
Claiming online
You can make a claim using our online form at
If you will be asking your vet to complete the claims form on your behalf then please provide them with the form at
Paper claims forms
If you prefer to use a paper claims form then these are available below. To help ensure that your claim is reviewed efficiently please select the claim form based on how your policy number begins.
For policies starting or renewing after 1st January 2022 with policy numbers starting with SAP or CMP please use these claim forms:
How we manage your claim
Supporting documents
If you have submitted your claim online then you will receive an email requesting the additional documentation (such as medical history). Once you have provided that our team will review and assess your claim.
If you have completed a manual claims form, then you should return the form, together with all signed additional documents, by email to or by post to:
Scratch & Patch Claims,
PO Box 800,
Claim updates
We will keep you updated on the progress of your claim via email.
If however you do have any questions or queries during the claims process please either email us at or telephone our claims service team on 0330 102 6839 – Select Option 3
Claims FAQs
What if I’m struggling to download the claims forms?
You can also obtain a claim form by emailing or calling our Pet Claims Team on 0330 1026839 – Select Option 3 – calls may be recorded and monitored.
If I claim, what will happen to my renewal price?
We will review your cover each year before offering to renew your policy. This means that based on the information you have provided to us, your pet’s age and medical history, any claims made and future expected treatment and claims costs, we may change the terms and conditions of your cover, your premium or not offer to renew your policy. However, in most cases, premiums will increase with the age of your pet and if any claims have been made.
How long will it take to settle my claim?
We try to settle your claim as quickly and efficiently as possible. You can help speed your claim up by completing claims forms as accurately and thoroughly as you can. Most successful claims are paid within 8 working days.
What can I do if my claim is rejected?
Over the 12 months of 2021 we paid 93% of the claims made, so it’s rare that a claim will be rejected, but like any insurer it does happen. If your claim is rejected you will be told the reason for this. If you want to you will be able to challenge this and can make a formal complaint to us. Find more about our complaints procedure.
Will I need to pay a co-insurance fee?
No, unlike most pet insurers our policies do not have a coinsurance or co-payment. This is an extra percentage of the claim which you must pay yourself – typically 10% to 20% of the claim amount after the excess has been deducted – depending on the insurer. With Scratch & Patch you will only have to pay the excess.
Speak to our claims team
Out claims team are available 9-5 Monday to Friday to help resolve your queries.