Time to read: 5 mins
As pet adoption and ownership increases, so to unfortunately has the number of pets that have been returned to shelters. The sad but true fact is that many people adopted dogs during lockdown without doing their research and understanding what adopting a pet can entail. A lot of pets have ended up being returned to a shelter causing the shelters to be at maximum capacity. This limits the resources available for all of the dogs and cats that are in the shelter.
Adopting a dog or cat not only drastically changes their lives but they add so much love to your family. When looking to adopt your pet, make sure you have done your research and are getting a dog or cat that suits you and your family’s lifestyle.
You can then begin to get ready for their arrival and to welcome them in to their new home.
Getting ready for your pet
Adopting a new pet will fill your heart and home with unconditional love and happiness but getting ready for them to enter the home can be an overwhelming experience. There are things you can do to help ease the transition for you and your pet.
1. Get their belongings together
You will want to get everything ready for your pet prior to their arrival. Some of the things you will want to get are a collar, lead, food and water bowls, bed and some toys.
2. Prepare your home
Prior to your pet’s arrival, go through your house and remove everything that could be a choking hazard or cause danger to an overactive and excited puppy.
Get a quiet room ready for your pet to go to when they are feeling anxious. As things get overwhelming, especially during the first few days of your pet being in their new home, they may want a quiet and safe space to go to get away from the chaos of their home.
You may want to take a few days with no distractions to help your dog acclimatise. Be sure not to take too many days because then they will get used to having you around all the time. These days should be calm and quiet with not too many people in and out that will overwhelm your new pet.
3. Explore the house
When your pet first comes to their new home it is important you give them some time to explore the house on their own and find their bearings. As part of their exploration of the home your pet should get the opportunity to explore outside. For dogs, initially this should be done on a leash, so they are safe when they first get outside but once they know the lay of the land they can be let off their leash.
While they are exploring, this is the time you can introduce them to the rest of the family in a calm and relaxed setting.
4. Start training immediately
As soon as you get your dog their training should begin so that they do not learn any bad habits. Even if your pet is already housetrained, they will need to get used to the rules of your house.
5. Get a check-up with the vet
Take your pet to the vet once you have them to get them checked up. This should be done by a vet that you know and trust. They will let you know if there are any underlying health issues that you should be aware of. During this check up your pet can get vaccinated and chipped, if they are not already.
As responsible pet owners we want the best for our pets and that includes making sure they get the correct food, clean water, are kept safe and are protected through their insurance. While taking out pet insurance have a look at our wide range of cover levels to find cover that suits you and your pets needs.
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